Showing 26 - 50 of 127 Results
A Legend From The Talavakara: Or Jaiminiya Brahmana Of The Samaveda (1878) by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781165881307 List Price: $12.76
The Voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies: From the Old English Translati... by Burnell, Arthur Coke, Haklu... ISBN: 9781147138733 List Price: $33.75
Voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies, 2 Vol by Burnell, Arthur Coke, Tiele... ISBN: 9788121507882 List Price: $75.00
Jaiminya Text of the Arsheyabrahmana of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781168764416 List Price: $25.56
Vamcabrahmana, Being the Eighth Brahmana, of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781168877710 List Price: $25.56
Samhitopanishadbrahmana, Being the Seventh Brahmana, of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke, Burne... ISBN: 9781168994738 List Price: $27.16
Legend from the Talavakar : Or Jaiminiya Brahmana of the Samaveda (1878) by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781169590045 List Price: $24.76
Vamcabrahmana, Being the Eighth Brahmana, of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781166280192 List Price: $13.56
Jaiminya Text of the Arsheyabrahmana of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781167168192 List Price: $13.56
Samhitopanishadbrahmana, Being the Seventh Brahmana, of the Sama Veda by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781165755158 List Price: $15.16
On the Aindra School of Sanskrut Grammarians by Arthur Coke Burnell ISBN: 9781235740947 List Price: $19.99
Elements of South-Indian Palography, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century A.D.: Being ... by Burnell A. C. (Arthur Coke)... ISBN: 9781313485425 List Price: $23.95
On the Aindra School of Sanskrit Grammarians, Their Place in the Sanskrit and Subordinate ... by Arthur Coke Burnell ISBN: 9780554441276 List Price: $19.99
Elements of South-Indian Palography by Arthur Coke Burnell ISBN: 9780554906188 List Price: $21.99
Elements of South-Indian Palaeography, from the Fourth to the Seventeenth Century, a d; Bein... by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781236198686 List Price: $14.14
Ordinances of Manu by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781241305307 List Price: $36.75
Ordinances; by A. C. (Arthur Coke) Burnell ISBN: 9781290827256 List Price: $30.95
On The Aindra School Of Sanskrut Grammarians ...... by Arthur Coke Burnell ISBN: 9781274939579 List Price: $20.75
Tentative List of Books and Some Mss. Relating to the History of the Portuguese in India Pro... by Burnell, Arthur Coke ISBN: 9781287718161 List Price: $21.75
Voyage of John Huyghen Van Linschoten to the East Indies : From the Old English Translation ... by Burnell, Arthur Coke, Van L... ISBN: 9781289759414 List Price: $33.75
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